
The latest thoughts from Medicines Law & Policy partners.

European Pharmaceutical Legislation Needs Exceptions to Data and Market Exclusivity to Protect European Patients...

On 11 May 2018, US President Trump announced his plans to lower drug prices in America. Under the banner "American Patients First" he outlined...

Will the European Court of Justice put a stop to the evergreening of Truvada...

Truvada, the fixed-dose combination of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) and emtricitabine (FTC) is a critical medicine in both HIV treatment and prevention. It is...

Brazil’s Federal Court Reviews Medicines Mailbox Patents

This week the media reported that the Brazilian federal court removed the patent protection for eculizumab, sold under the brand name Soliris by Alexion...

The Power of TRIPS Flexibilities in Medicines Procurement

The government of Malaysia has began to roll out treatment of people infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV).  Treatment will be a combination of...

European Commission Publishes Expert Panel’s Recommendations on High Drug Prices

This month the European Commission published Innovative Payment Models for High-Cost Innovative Medicines, a report of the Expert Panel on effective ways of investing...

Wrapping Up 2017 – some noteworthy medicines law and policy events.

2017 was a significant year for access to medicines and other medicines policy related events. Here are a few highlights of the last 12...

Medicines Excitement in the Netherlands – New Health Minister announces firm action on...

The new Minister of Health of the Netherlands, Bruno Bruins, came in guns blazing when he put the pharmaceutical industry on notice and announced...

Modifier la législation européenne pour mettre en œuvre la licence d’office en France

Selon le Dr Thierry Philip, Président de l’institut Curie, la hausse des prix des nouveaux traitements contre le cancer « est devenue intenable. » L’augmentation croissante du prix...

Pharmaceutical Pricing Hostages

Ireland seems to be the stage of some of the most bizarre pharmaceutical company behaviour these days. This month, the pharmaceutical company CSL Behring...

Dolutegravir Patent Licences Can Provide Access To All

This year the World Health Organization (WHO) added dolutegravir, an antiretroviral medicine for the treatment of HIV infection, to its Model List of Essential...