
The latest thoughts from Medicines Law & Policy partners.

Wrapping up 2024: Noteworthy events in medicines law and policy around the globe

Welcome to Medicines Law & Policy’s  end of the year blog, our highly biased annual overview of memorable medicines law and policy events. January At the...

UN “Pact for the Future” intellectual property actions need revision to ensure innovation and...

UPDATE: From 22-23 September 2024, the Summit of the Future took place and adopted the Pact for the Future. The intellectual property paragraph of...

World Trade Organization Members Embark on Review of the TRIPS Agreement

The World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Council will meet on 10-11 July. On the agenda is the review...

MSF’s Access Campaign is an invaluable actor in global health; shutting it down is...

On 20 June, STAT News reported that Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is closing down their Access Campaign, effective as of 31 December 2024. It...

The new IP strategy of war-torn Ukraine should prioritise public health and national security

Russia’s full-scale assault on Ukraine continues for the third year. The Russian occupation forces have already killed tens of thousands of civilians, including children. They have...

Pharmaceutical Accountability Foundation meets AbbVie in court, looking to advance its pricing case

“The value of a human life is infinite, but unfortunately our healthcare budget is not,” said former Dutch Health Minister Bruno Bruins, quoted by...

Worldwide licensing of pandemic technologies is already current practice. The Pandemic Accord should protect...

The negotiations for a WHO pandemic accord are still in full swing this week. Talks are taking place behind closed doors, but it is...

Something is going terribly wrong with the EU Compulsory Licensing Regulation

This week the European Parliament will vote on amendments to the Commission’s proposed regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on compulsory licensing...

It is not too late to solve the know-how problem in the WHO Pandemic...

Introduction One of the most important Intellectual Property (IP) problems which the Pandemic Accord negotiators need to solve is now in danger of being completely...

Written remarks submitted to the OHCHR following the Expert Workshop on the key challenges...

This blog was submitted by Dr. Katrina Perehudoff, Law Centre for Health and Rights at the University of Amsterdam, and Medicines Law & Policy,...