The Medicines Law & Policy team has published widely on a variety of issues related to access to and innovation on essential medicines, including: international intellectual property policy and its impact on access to medicines, in particular on policies coming out of the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization, and the World Intellectual Property Organization; options for innovative ways to create incentives for research and development, in particular on medical products for diseases disproportionately affecting developing countries; and on the lessons the access to HIV movement has for the access to medicines crises of the future. Below is a selection of relevant publications by ML&P staff.
Watch Ellen ‘t Hoen’s TED Talk “Pool medical patents, save lives.”
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Protect against market exclusivity in the fight against COVID-19: Nature Medicine, May 2020
Patent challenges in the procurement and supply of generic new essential medicines and lessons from HIV in the southern African development community (SADC) region: Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, November 2018.
Practical Applications of the Flexibilities of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights: Lessons beyond HIV for access to new essential medicines: University of Groningen, the Netherlands, 2018.
Data exclusivity exceptions and compulsory licensing to promote generic medicines in the European Union: A proposal for greater coherence in European pharmaceutical legislation: Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 28 June 2017
The Lancet Commissions: Essential medicines for universal health coverage: The Lancet, 28 January 2017
Private Patents and Public Health: Changing intellectual property rules for access to medicines: Health Action International, January 2016
Viewpoint: Counterfeit medicines and substandard medicines: Different problems requiring different solutions: Journal of Public Health Policy, November 2015
Access to Cancer Treatment: A study of medicine pricing issues with recommendations for improving access to cancer medication: Report prepared for Oxfam, 2 May 2014
We urge WHO to act on cytomegalovirus retinitis: The Lancet Global Health, February 2014
A quiet revolution in global public health: The World Health Organization’s Prequalification of Medicines Programme: Journal of Public Health Policy, May 2014
Burden of HIV-Related Cytomegalovirus Retinitis in Resource-Limited Settings: A Systematic Review: Clinical Infectious Diseases, 29 July 2013
Innovation and Access to Medicines for Neglected Populations: Could a Treaty Address a Broken Pharmaceutical R&D System?: PLoS Med, 15 May 2012
Driving a decade of change: HIV/AIDS, patents and access to medicines for all: Journal of the International AIDS Society, 27 March 2011
Registering New Drugs for Low-Income Countries: The African Challenge: PLoS Medicine, February 2011
The UNITAID Patent Pool Initiative: Bringing Patents Together for the Common Good: The Open AIDS Journal, 19 January 2010
The global politics of pharmaceutical monopoly power: drug patents, access, innovation and the application of the WTO Doha Declaration on TRIPS and public health: AMB Publishers,2009
Determining the Patent Status of Essential Medicines in Developing Countries: WHO Health Economics and Drugs Series No. 017, 2004
TRIPS, Pharmaceutical Patents and Access to Essential Medicines: Seattle, Doha and Beyond: Chapter in the book Economics of AIDS and access to HIV-AIDS care in developing countries: issues and challenges, 25 June 2003
25 years of the WHO essential medicines lists: progress and challenges: The Lancet, 17 May 2003
Drug Patents Under the Spotlight. Sharing practical knowledge about pharmaceutical patents: Médecins Sans Frontières, May 2003
Globalization, patents and drugs : an annotated bibliography: World Health Organization Department of Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy, 2001
Pharmaceuticals and the WTO TRIPS Agreement: Questions and Answers: UNAIDS and WHO, March 2000
Patent situation of HIV/AIDS-related drugs in 80 countries: UNAIDS and WHO, January 2000
Globalization, patents and drugs : an annotated bibliography: Health Economics and Drugs, EDM Series No. 9, 1999
Essential drugs in the new international economic environment: Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1999
Globalization and Access to Drugs. Perspectives on the WTO/TRIPS Agreement – Health Economics and Drugs Series, No. 007 (Revised): World Health Organization Action Programme on Essential Drugs, 1998